Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Rhondi at Rose Colored Glasses is once again hosting this opportunity to share our thankful thoughts! Thank YOU Rhondi!
Today, I am thankful for the gorgeous fall weather we have been having in Northern California! I know we need rain, but it has been so nice to have the soft autumn sunshine and the glorious sunrises & sunsets! I took this photo off our back deck yesterday morning.

...and in the morning you will see the glory of the LORD...Exodus 16:7
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Update on the Winter Garden
Seems I have been scarce around here for a few days! Just VERY busy!
Let's see: Daughter's birthday last Wednesday, Tupperware FallFest last Friday, Red Hat scrapbooking brunch last Saturday, Church on Sunday, Bible Study wrap-up dinner last night, sister coming for a couple of days tomorrow, my 60th Birthday on Friday, the first of my holiday Zap 'n Wrap Microwave Candy-Making classes on Saturday...I think it is going to be like this until after New Year's day!
I wanted to give you a quick update on the winter garden we (well...actually, my sister) planted about 8 weeks ago.
You can read about the planting and see photos of the method we used HERE. We haven't really experienced "winter" yet, but we did have some chilly days and a few days of rain. I must say, I am impressed! We will definitely be using this tub method next spring! I'll be watching for sales on tubs/file boxes all winter!
Here are a few photos that you can compare to those in the previous post.
Cauliflower Close up (isn't it cute?):
Broccoli & Chard:
Brussels Sprouts & Chard:
My mouth is watering just looking at the pics! These "winter" veggies are all favorites. In fact, I am cutting some chard for dinner this evening...yum!
Cheers! Chris
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankful Thursday

~I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose. Woody Allen
~Some people are always grumbling because roses have thorns; I am thankful that thorns have roses. Alphonse Karr
Enjoy! Chris
Monday, November 10, 2008
3 Good Ideas and a Dud!
My master bedroom isn't "done". In fact, it isn't even started, because I can't figure out what to do with my headboard! So that is one of the things I always notice in model homes. Most are just headboards of one type or another. Occasionally I see something really grand or especially clever that goes into my inspiration file.
Here are 3 examples that I thought were great. And the 4th, you be the judge!
First we have a girl's room. This simple bookcase, fit snugly between two free-standing side tables creates a built-in look and a perfect place to layer pillows as the headboard. I love the hanging pendant lights which free up the table tops!
This second example uses moulding, paint and a great piece of art to create the illusion of a headboard.
In this third room, the whole wall behind the head of the bed is covered in tongue & groove paneling, unexpectedly placed on the horizontal. This would be great in a cottage-style room.
Now...for the dud! What is this all about? I walked into this room and stared at this wall thinking, "what are they trying to cover up there"? The fabric wasn't special in any way, the pleating was messy, the whole thing reminds me of hospital bed curtains! The art is too small, even in a group, and the chains gives the room a "dungeon" flair! Ugh! I could hardly believe it was done by the same designer.
What do you think? Am I way off base about the last room? I'll admit the idea has possibilities. But for me, this room is just ugly!
Note: (The bedspread was "arranged" by the two little boys whose parents weren't paying any attention as they jumped on every bed!)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thankful Thursday

I know it is a privilege to live in a country where I have a voice! I ALWAYS vote. I don't vote as a permanent mail-in voter, because I love going to the polls! I read & study my sample ballot & try to stay informed.
I can't remember when I have been so annoyed with political commercials on TV, political flyers stuffed into my mailbox, and constant phone calls all day long!
I can't say I'm thrilled by the outcome, but I am going to support the new leaders with prayer and the positive knowledge that our country and its citizens are still the best!
Whew! Chris
Saturday, November 1, 2008
The Empire Mine - Garden Tour
We have toured the mine & mineyard, the lawn area and the front of the owner's cottage and the owner's cottage, now we will visit the gardens!
The gardens were pretty & green, but we were too late in the season to see much in bloom. It was a warm day, and the stroll along the paths was enjoyable. I must make it a point to visit in late spring or early summer. That rose garden will be spectaular!
As you look over the decorative iron railing surrounding the fron lawn, we there is a terrace watercourse that leads down to a reflecting pool. Love the waterlilies!

Next, we take a walk to the back of the cottage, heading down into the walled garden. These are views of the back of the cottage, the brick steps to the carriage path and carriage house.

The following are photos I took of the structure of the garden, and what I could find that was blooming.
View of the cottage from within the rose garden. The very back rose, next to the vine-covered wall is a Cecil Brunner that has been in the garden since the 1890's!

This is an antique China rose called "Old Blush". The lead master gardener (all volunteers) told me it was her favorite.

The purple coneflower and the sunflowers still blooming!

I hope you enjoyed the tour!
Cheers! Chris