Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Update on the Winter Garden

Seems I have been scarce around here for a few days! Just VERY busy!

Let's see: Daughter's birthday last Wednesday, Tupperware FallFest last Friday, Red Hat scrapbooking brunch last Saturday, Church on Sunday, Bible Study wrap-up dinner last night, sister coming for a couple of days tomorrow, my 60th Birthday on Friday, the first of my holiday Zap 'n Wrap Microwave Candy-Making classes on Saturday...I think it is going to be like this until after New Year's day!

I wanted to give you a quick update on the winter garden we (well...actually, my sister) planted about 8 weeks ago.

You can read about the planting and see photos of the method we used HERE. We haven't really experienced "winter" yet, but we did have some chilly days and a few days of rain. I must say, I am impressed! We will definitely be using this tub method next spring! I'll be watching for sales on tubs/file boxes all winter!

Here are a few photos that you can compare to those in the previous post.


Cauliflower Close up (isn't it cute?):


Broccoli & Chard:

Brussels Sprouts & Chard:

My mouth is watering just looking at the pics! These "winter" veggies are all favorites. In fact, I am cutting some chard for dinner this evening...yum!

Cheers! Chris


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