Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Saturday Stroll

It is an absolutely beautiful Saturday in Newcastle! The delta breezes gave us a cool start to the morning and a pleasant afternoon. We should end up in the mid 80’s temp-wise, and that’s a GOOD thing!

My daughter & I were sitting at the kitchen island having lunch and decided we should take a walk along our canal to see what we could find that was interesting. (Isn’t it nice when you have an afternoon that allows you to do fun stuff like this?)

I should explain that this canal is a man-made irrigation ditch. Our property is zoned agricultural, and we have livestock, orchards and vineyard all around us. The source for this canal is a reservoir in the Sierra Nevada Mts. We are lucky that our portion has been left in a natural state. There are places along the many miles of the canal that have concrete sides and it isn’t so pretty. The road along the canal is an easement so that the Irrigation District personnel can maintain the canal. It is a fun place to walk and for the neighbor kids to 3-wheel.

So as we walked along the road, I took photos of anything that caught my eye. Now I realize, this may bore you to tears. I hope not.

I’ve put it all in a photo show for your viewing pleasure!

Thank God I’m a country girl! Chris

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