Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What Do You Think?

My girlfriend & I spent Saturday shopping for fabric for her living room.  She has already purchased gold silk drapes & plaid fabric for for relaxed roman shades.  She wants to upholster two bergere chairs, similar to this one at Ballard Designs, which will sit near the windows.  Her thought was to cover them in a solid fabric, thinking that the plaid was to prominent to use another pattern. 

Bolderdash, I say!  I helped her choose 3 fabrics that "might work", to quote her.  She likes them all, she's just not yet comfortable with the mix of patterns.

I've included pix below.  What's your opinion?  Do you like the idea of adding another pattern"  Which one do you favor?  I'll keep you posted...

BTW, the third combination is my choice.  I think it almost "reads" as a solid and still adds some playfulness to counteract that serious plaid!

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