Last weekend I was in my frame/craft shop making cards. The soft and warm spring-like weather inspired me to make this little banner with the leftover scraps. It is hanging above my computer monitor to remind me that even if Spring isn't officially here yet, it is just around the corner!
After speaking to my cousin Terri in Columbus, Ohio, I think I need to send her one that says "Hurry Spring!". They have been dealing with the "100-year Snowfall" and I don't envy them one bit!

Also responding to the spring weather are the Spanish Lavender and Freesias. When I planted the lavender, I moved some freesia bulbs. Obviously, I didn't get them all! I love the way the bright yellow blooms are entwined with the lavender. It really is time to get out into the garden and get my hands dirty! The storms in January blew mulch and weed block fabric out of place. I have weeds in places they've never been! I'd better get at 'em before they take over...
Now where are my gardening tools?

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