The photo above is the view from my back deck this morning.
I as you probably know, Northern California is having HUNDREDS of wildfires! I live smack-dab in the middle of them all! Well...that might be an exaggeration, but we ARE surrounded. We have been living for the last couple of days under a gray pall. It is very warm & there is no breeze. I can keep the windows closed and use the air conditioner, and keep the stink and "particulate matter" out.
The rotten thing is that the first thing I do when I get up in the morning is open any doors and windows that weren't left open overnight. The breeze, even if slight is so refreshing! I can keep the house cool by strategically closing blinds and drapes around the house, usually until about 3 pm. No such luck now. I am feeling closed in, craving a breath of fresh air! I walked outside for a few minutes this morning and my eyes were running and throat was sore in no time! I definitely have always had an appreciation for the brave men & women who fight any fire, especially the wild land variety. But to think they live with this for days, sometimes weeks on end, is just unimaginable!
The whole place smells of smoke. My husband walked in the door and positively reeked! This from the guy who never misses his daily shave & shower. I am just so tired of it already, and the weather guy said tonight it might be "several days" before we get relief!
I am so thankful that we have not had a fire that was close to us, or been evacuated, not knowing whether our home is still standing. I do know that we live in prime wildfire country!
It is going to be a l-o-n-g summer!
The photo below is a couple of hours later. Notice the foothill are almost completely obscured!

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