It is a parade of sorts. There is always a leader, not necessarily the same cow. The leader walks, the almost single file line behind her walks. The leader stops, they all stop. It's a very orderly business, except for the unruly calves, UNTIL they get to the irrigation canal. Then it's every cow for herself! Water, dust & lots of pushing a shoving to get the best place at the "watering hole".
Every time we see a new little calf, it is, "Awww...look at the baby!". We have learned not to get too attached to them, this is a "working" ranch, and most they are sold off eventually. But, there are exceptions...
This cow, (I'm sure she wouldn't like this unflattering photo), has completely white hindquarters.

She delivers calves with the same markings. The very first time we saw one, someone said "Hey! Look at the calf with the white butt!" That calf became "White Butt". A most ungracious but fitting name. As each new calf from this momma has been born, it is called White Butt. There was a "WB II" in there once, but it just seemed easier to stick with White Butt.
Until now, all of her calves have been males. They are always certain to be leaving the ranch. But this year, we have a little girl. I know that each of us is secretly hoping she'll get to stay & make this ranch her home. We have even considered giving her a "prettier" name; Derriere Blac for instance.

Nope, she's just gonna be Little White Butt. Sweet thing that she is!

Enjoy! Chris
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