Friday, August 7, 2009

Filoli Gardens for Fertilizer Friday!

This is my first time to participate in Fertilizer Friday, hosted by Tootsie @ Tootsie Time. I have chosen to show off a garden other than my own. The Filoli Estate Gardens in Woodside, CA. Please be sure to visit Tootsie and all the other participants!

You can visit the Filoli Garden website HERE. Better yet, if you're ever in Northern California, near San Francisco, visit the garden in person!

I decided that, rather than trying to post & explain all 100+ photos I took in Filoli's gorgeous gardens, I would create a photo show. I think you'll understand the grand beauty of the gardens without a lot of verbiage attached. One note: There are some flowers, roses mainly, where I have placed a photo of the nameplate right after the flower photo.

Enjoy! Chris

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