This is going to be a difficult post to write. First, I am angry. Then, I am sad. And last, I'm frightened. This usually means that I write way too many words trying to not only tell my story, but somehow also convey my emotions. I am going to try to be as succinct as I can. But don't look for a short post here...
I had grandparents who worked a small "Truck Farm" (See note at the end.) of what was probably about 2 acres, though it seemed gigantic to me as a 5 year old kid. My grandma had a roadside produce stand and sold the most delicious corn, tomatoes & strawberries. It was the money she earned and the food she grew that sustained them. Since, although my grandpa worked, he drank most of his earnings. (He was a great, fun-loving grandpa, not a great husband, I suspect.)
There were chickens for eggs & meat and always, there was fresh milk. Grandma must have bartered with a neighbor, since I don't remember a cow. Pretty idyllic place for a kid, right? Yes. yes it was. Just think, I was 5 years old then, almost 62 now. I ate and drank unprocessed, REAL FOOD at my grandmother's table & lived to write about it! Imagine that? Now, just as I am finding my way back to TRADITIONAL FOODS, I may be in danger of losing the right to purchase them?
Farmers who are committed to continuing the tradition of sustainable, family farming are being harrassed by our government! Their livelihood is threatened, their inventory confiscated.
"Not in MY country", you say? Sorry to burst your on!
"Save Morningland Dairy", “Save Estrella Family Creamery”, “Stop FDA Tyranny Against Dairy Farms“, “Save Family Farms”, and “Save Farm Freedom”.
Who ever thought we'd be seeing calls to action to save FARMERS?
1. Watch this 4 minute trailer for a Film due out next year called "Farmageddon".
Farmageddon Trailer from Kristin Canty on Vimeo.
2. Read this: Save Our Food Freedom and Right to Privacy! Stop S510
3. Then, read this: Hey, Where Did My Food Go?
4. Then go here: Wanted a Crop Mob of 50,000 to Save Artisan Dairy Farming
5. If, after reading and watching, you want learn more, check this out: REAL FOOD MEDIA
Now, click the buttons below and contribute as your heart leads.
I would love to have some of my blogging buddies along on my journey to discover health again...using traditional foods, and helping to keep these nourishing foods available for ALL OF US!
Note: From Wikipedia - Truck farming is the cultivation of vegetable crops for transport to local markets. It is very similar to Community Supported Agriculture in that it requires consumers to be more than simple purchasers of goods, but rather they must be engaged in the local economy as part of a healthy community.
Important truck crops include sweet corn, tomatoes, melons, onions, strawberries, potatoes, and green vegetables. "Truck" was a Middle English word meaning bartering or the exchange of commodities.
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