Saturday, July 12, 2008

At Leisure

I have my home all to myself! *Ü*

My daughter Melissa is in Washington D.C. visiting with her cousin, Tim. He is a student at American University, just about to start his senior year. On August 11, Melissa will begin her student teaching/credential program. This trip is their "last hurrah" before starting a very busy year! I hope they're having a blast!

My husband is in NY, on Long Island to be exact. He grew up in Queens, playing a game called "Slap Ball". (A game played with a soft ball where the aim is to keep the ball from hitting the floor/ground by "slapping" the ball upwards with the hand. Usually played in a circle of about 5-6 players but more or less players is just as good.) Every 5 years, a bunch of his buddies from the "hood" get together for a Slap Ball tourney! Mind you, these are 60 & 70 year olds! I hope he doesn't break anything!!!

So that leaves me, the dog & the cat to enjoy a weekend of doing what ever we want! Doesn't that sound lovely? I plan to take full advantage. Today, my girlfriend & I are going to our favorite Home Dec fabric store - Calico Corners! I haven't planned anything beyond that...nice!

I won't be around for a couple of days! See you early next week! Chris

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