Thursday, July 30, 2009

Vintage Seed Packets

There are a couple of seed companies that still put "art" on the front of their seed packets; Botanical Interests & Renee's Garden for example. But for the most part, they have gone to photos, which I suppose is helpful to the gardener, but not nearly as much fun as those fantastic, even frameable, packets of the past!

Seeds of Change has even gone to resealable plastic packets. I think it is a shame that a company that saves & distributes heirloom seeds doesn't use vintage-style art on their packets! My opinion of course.

Here are some examples of seed packet art that I think is pretty, interesting, OR....

Flowers first. I absolutely LOVE those "Fairy Pansies"!

Next we have the veggies. Here, I chose four examples from the same seed company. I think it is a stylish design that shows the subject off well.

Here are some packets that incorporate comely young women in the design. These are sure to catch the farmer's eye!

And then...
Hmmm. Did these folks eat one too many tomato, celery or radish? I'll never look at a tomato in quite the same way! LOL!

So... what do you think? Do you long for the nostalgic seed packet art of days gone by? Or, are you one of those modern gardeners who like the seed tapes, plastic packets and garden kits with already chosen seeds and planting plans done for you?

Whichever you are, I hope you keep those hands in the dirt and vintage seed packet ART in your heart!

Green thumbs up! Chris

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