Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm Back!

Got into Sacramento Int'l Airport @ 9:50 pm last night.  We were home by 11:30 pm, after dropping off a girlfriend. 

Jubilee was awesome!  It is fun to be recognized for your achievements and to see what the future holds for Tupperware! 

Disney World was so cool.  (Actually, it was drippin', sweaty hot, but you know what I mean) I can't wait to earn my WOW Trip.  I'll have to decide between Hawaii or Disney world, one week , all expenses paid!  Tough choice, eh?  I have lots to "show & tell".  I'll probably do that over on Today's Organized Kitchen blog, starting in a day or two.  I need to catch my breath and do laundry. LOL!

In the meantime, here's a video that was used at Jubilee to launch a line of new products.  It is really fun!

Meow! Chris

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