Monday, August 9, 2010

No Secret Recipes!

As I am learning more about real, traditional foods & cooking, I have spent time hopping from blog to website & back again, meeting all sorts of fabulous folks! I came across Drew Kime by following a link from another blog.  I am so glad I did! 

One of the first things I read at "How To Cook Like Your Grandmother", was a post about No Secret Recipes!  I hooted when I saw it.  Drew has put into print what I have always thought about this subject.  I could not have said it better, even if I tried.  So, just click on the picture below and you'll be taken to Drew's post.  Do yourself a favor and don't leave without looking all around his website & blog.

To all of you wonderful cooks out there who share your hearts by sharing your recipes and lovely photos, thank you, THANK YOU!

To those of you who are not so generous...what Drew said!

Eat Well,

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