Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What's new?

Wow!  I haven't posted in over a month.  I haven't visited any of my favorite blogs either. Not that I haven't wanted to, there's just been so much going on around here I haven't hardly had time to breathe!

My husband is STILL having dizzy spells.  The doctor STILL does not know what is causing it.  If we aren't satisfied that some progress on a diagnosis is being made after his appt. next week, we're demanding a new doctor! 

Then, my full-time job is crazy-busy!  I work for a large, multi-national corporation in the Electronic Manufacturing Services industry.  I am part of a Business Development Team, specifically, I'm a Proposal Coordinator.  I am able to work from home which has its advantages for sure.  The disadvantage is that I can work from home, ANY time of day or night.  Since we support all time zones globally, well, you get the picture. 

I also had to make a trip to Austin, Texas a couple of weeks ago, for my job.  I loved Austin, and it was good to be in the same room with my co-workers again.  However, business travel is never really fun for me!  That week seems lost forever.

With my husband's illness, church activities, my job, Tupperware, and now the Holidays all either on my plate now or looming large, the blog has suffered.  Deciding that "Refining Life" is important to me, a necessary, creative (maybe?) outlet and way to communicate with a group of dear friends, was easy.  Finding the time to keep up is more of a challenge.  But, I WILL make time, at least a couple of times a week.  If it's important, I'll find the time, right?

Now I did manage to get some fall decorating done just in time to start thinking of Christmas! :o)

I'm posting several photos.  My "good" camera isn't working for some reason, so these shots are taken with my cheapie.  They aren't great, but I'm sharin' them anyway!

Part of My Pumpkin Collection

My Pheasant Feather Wreath

Close-up of Hazel Blanche

The Dining Table

Beautiful Mums From My Girlfriend
Hope you enjoyed the photos.  I'll be around to visit y'all (learned that in Texas) today, sometime!

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