Friday, April 1, 2011

On Hiatus

Hi Everyone!  Happy Spring!

As I told you HERE, I am in the middle of a career transition.  At the end of April, my full-time corprate job will end and my full-time Tupperware job will begin.  After having gone through ALL the possible emotions regarding this change at 62 years old, I can honestly say I am thrilled!

In the meantime, I have one job to finish and my YOB (your own business) to begin to ramp up.  I am placing many things "on hold" until May 1st.  Obviously, viewing the date of my last post, this blog is one of them.  I will be back though!  May 1st will be here before we know it. 

I'll catch up with you then...

P.S.  I have been advertising Tupperware on one of my favorite Decor blogs: Chic on a Shoestring Decorating, and she's hosting a Tupperware Chop 'n Prep Giveaway HERE.  Hop on over and visit her beautiful blog.  Tell her that Chris from Refining Life/Today's Organized Kitchen sent you, and I'll enter you in the drawing too!


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