Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

This is the last photo I have of my Mom, Mary. It was taken on Christmas Day. Although she was very ill, the "Party Girl" was still shining through! I think she looks beautiful in her crown, don't you?

I Love you Mom! I miss you every day!

My Mom...

  • Loved her husband passionately for more than half a century!
  • Raised 5 children who are all pretty terrific!
  • Knew her grandchildren were better than anyone else's!
  • Made friends who she cherished for decades!
  • Was never afraid to try something new!
  • Was an accomplished gardener!
  • Was a wonderful and inventive cook!
  • Loved to camp...first in a tent finally in her dream 5th wheel!
  • She could cut a rug!
  • Subscribed fiercely to the "blood is thicker than water" theory!
  • Always rooted for the underdog!
  • Loved Martinis, Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pud!

Best of all she loved me, and I always knew it! What more could a kid ask for?

I am thankful for all you wonderful moms who weave the fabric of our society & care for it daily!


P.S. The first song on my playlist is the Anniversary Waltz. It was Mom's favorite!

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