Tuesday, May 20, 2008

If I Were a Teapot...

“I’m a little teapot,
Short and…don’t go there!♪

If you’ve been visiting this blog for a while, you’ll know I collect teapots. I love all the shapes, sizes and styles. I use several of them frequently; for I am a tea snob…brewed in a pot is the only way to drink tea, in my opinion!

Each has a special place in my heart. Some were won in the heat of an eBay auction, others are reminders of special trips and a special few were gifts. As I was looking them over in preparation to do another post about individuals in my collection, I started to think about which one most represented ME.

I know many of you out there in Blogdom admire teapots, even if you don’t actually collect them. I thought it might be fun to play “If I Were a Teapot!”

Here's how to play:

By May 31st, send me a digital image of the teapot that most represents YOU, and a short couple of sentences as to why you think so! Send to teapot.game@yahoo.com. On Friday, June 6th, I’ll post them all here. We’ll get to know a little more about each other, and enjoy seeing some new teapots!

You can use any picture you like. It can be teapot from your own or a family/friend’s collection, one you have found and photographed in a shop or even from a catalog. Here’s your chance to create an interesting vignette. You might even sketch or paint a picture of your teapot, if you can’t find "the perfect pot"! (If it’s from a catalog or website, please let me know the information so that I can give proper credit.)

Here’s an example I composed hurriedly this morning:

This is my Frankoma "Wagon Wheel" teapot.

It represents me, because I am a Country Girl at heart!

I hope you’ll all join in! Spread the word, please? The more, the merrier!



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