Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Bouquets to Art

Every year, the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco (Legion of Honor & De Young) present a gala showing of floral design paired with fine art called "Bouquets to Art". It is a spectacular show, and one that I enjoyed so much! The floral designers of the SF Bay area come together to recreate the museum art in floral. These are not traditional "pretty posey" bouquets by any standard, and some were pretty bizarre.

My photos are not at all professional. There were people walking in and out of my planned shots, I got bumped a couple of times...you know, typical crowd annoyances. In a couple of places, I have added links to previous year's interpretations of the same piece of art. Be sure to click and view them, it is fun to see how the designer's works differ.

This beauty with the birch and orchids was one of the stand-alone designs as we entered the exhibit. I am always attracted to anything with birch!

Here's an interpretation of a Diego Rivera painting.

Glass fruit rendered in flowers.

The inspiration for these are the Pre-Colombian artifacts on the wall behind them.

Abstract with stripes, bouquet with stripes.
I loved this colorful interpretation of the red, yellow & blue abstract. And THIS LINK will take you to a previous year's design.
This is the most fun! Gumball machines...my photo below, another version HERE.
Finally, I want to show you what I think is the most gorgeous art-floral combination ever! I did not see this in person, and in order to honor the copyright, I can't show the photo here. But I promise, following THIS LINK is worth the time! World-renowned Dale Chihuly's fabulous glass art done in floral by Yukiko Neibert, one of my favorite floral designers - what a treat! BTW, Yukiko's site is a great place to explore!
Enjoy! Chris

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