Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Rhondi over at Rose Colored Glasses is the hostess of "Thankful Thursday" every week. I have always meant to join in, and today I finally got my act together! (I am thankful for that, by the way!*Ü*) I really love the idea of sharing these thoughts with one another. So Rhondi, I am also thankful for the opportunity you're providing us!

I am so thankful for my home in the country!

This is a photo of our very long driveway. I am up and down this little road many times a week. But not until a young photographer got down on her knees and took this picture, did I really see it! The photo always reminds me that sometimes we have to shift our perspective only slightly, to our knees, to really see the world around us!

I am blessed with a special "country" quiet (unless my husband is out on the tractor) which isn't really quiet at all. There are birds, frogs, crickets & bees, all were so much more difficult to to hear amid the cacophony of a less rural setting.

Though I'll admit I prefer heading up the driveway toward home, to going down the driveway, I am thankful for the view each way!
Surprise! My next post will be my 50th! I'll be hosting a giveaway, so be sure to check back!

Thankfully, Chris

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