Tonight, between 1:30 am & dawn is the very best night to view the Perseid meteor shower, if you live on the west coast. Seeing any "falling star" is such a thrilling, magical thing. But the chance to see dozens of them is irresistable for me!
Of course, I am going to invite my husband to set the alarm for 3 am, so that he can join me on the back deck (the one with the most unobstructed view) to view this yearly meteor shower. I am prepared to have him say, "are you kidding me?". But I will extend the invitation, just the same. We are fortunate to live far from the glow of city & street lights. The sky is very clear. We should have a perfect view.
I have my father's telescope. And although it isn't good for viewing meteors, they are too fast, it reminds of his fascination for the stars. I got my appreciation for the wonders of "space" from him. His many years in the aerospcae industry afforded us kids a special perspective. And I was fortunate enough to work for the same aerospace company that he did, during my college years.
Had he not had 5 children, and been 20 years younger, I believe he would have jumped at the opportunity to go into space. I'm a wimp who prefers feet on the ground, but I'll appreciate the show, just the same!
So tonight, I wish you could all to join me out on the deck, eyes poised skyward, to view this beautiful piece of God's wonderful creation! If you are able, please try to see it yourself. I'll be thinking of my daddy and how wonderful his view must be!
Edited to add: The "show" was wonderful. I watched for about an hour and counted 14 meteors. I'm sure I would have seen more, had I been on my back in the middle of the lawn. But I wimped out there too. We have critters (especially skunks) running around at night and sitting in a chair on the deck just felt safer! *Ü*
The Perseid Meteor Shower continues tonight. So if you missed it last night, you've got another chance!
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