It's time for another Thankful Thursday, hosted by Rhondi at Rose Colored Glasses.
Today, I am thankful for the view from my kitchen window! As I looked at the bright, clear sunshine, I was reminded of the awful smoke & heat we had to contend with a few weeks back. It'll be in the 90's today, but I'll be seeing blue sky.
Today, I am thankful for the view from my kitchen window! As I looked at the bright, clear sunshine, I was reminded of the awful smoke & heat we had to contend with a few weeks back. It'll be in the 90's today, but I'll be seeing blue sky.

See that small deer by the tree? I am thankful for her too. Even if it does mean that if I want a rose garden & hostas, I'll have to fence them in! We have plenty of deer traveling through the yard. There's even a big buck with an impressive set of antlers that I see frequently at dusk.
We also have a group of 10 turkeys that visit the yard every morning and evening. I tried to get a photo of them yesterday, but by the time I got the camera, they had headed off into the neighbor's pasture. If I can catch them this morning, I'll add the picture later. (GOT 'EM!) I am thankful for the entertainment they provide! There are a couple of adults and the rest are juveniles. They take dust baths out past the lawn and pick fights with one another, establishing their "pecking order", I suppose.
We also have a group of 10 turkeys that visit the yard every morning and evening. I tried to get a photo of them yesterday, but by the time I got the camera, they had headed off into the neighbor's pasture. If I can catch them this morning, I'll add the picture later. (GOT 'EM!) I am thankful for the entertainment they provide! There are a couple of adults and the rest are juveniles. They take dust baths out past the lawn and pick fights with one another, establishing their "pecking order", I suppose.

I really enjoy having critters visit my yard. Even the coyotes & skunks are interesting at a distance. :)
Pocket gophers & ground squirrels however, are another story entirely!
Thankfully, Chris
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