We have 4 big windows in our kitchen. Each one is topped by a transom-style window. I love all the light, but those 4 top windows are bird magnets. The windows face the sunrise, and it seems that for a couple of hours, the birds can't distinguish them from the sky. We have at least one bird strike a week. I always run to see "who" has concussed him/herself. Only once have a seen a dead bird, usually they just sit dazed for a few minutes and then fly off. I am a birder, so this is very distressing to me!
We are having stained glass put in these windows, and two of the four are installed. This seems to help the birds, and the summer heat in my kitchen. But yesterday, again one of my avian friends failed to recognize the glass in front of him! I heard the noise and hurried to the kitchen.
This what I saw. A beautiful California Quail sitting on my porch swing.
He wasn't moving at all, just sitting. When I walked to the door with the camera, he did turn to look at me. I was able to snap this photo before he finally flew into one of the almond trees. At least he could fly! But because these guys stay mostly on the ground, I think he was still a little dazed. Hopefully, he will be okay. We have a bunch of them, but I hate to lose even one!

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