Friday, January 15, 2010

Word Verification

The sad fact is, word verification and comment moderation have become necessary in blogdom!  Many  (most?) of us have been hit by the spammers, at least once.  I stopped getting annoyed by the word verification boxes after I had some offshore gambling ads & non-english comments to deal with. That's when I started making it a game.  I even look forward to those little boxes now.  Sort of...

Might just be me, but I have a very difficult time typing a "word" that doesn't make sense to me.  So I began trying to turn these random strings of characters into something I could get my 61 year old brain to recognize.  Now I have tell you, it's not always easy.  Sometimes I just can't make it happen.  So, I type the letters wrong and get an error message AND a better word.

I've been saving some of the word verifications that tickled me.  Yes, I am easily amused.  I thought I would share...lucky you!

~The AFLAC duck says this when he's got a "frog" in his throat:

~When you're ready for dessert you say:

~Handsel & Gretel's less famous brother:

~The funeral notice for your lost computer data is more properly called:

~When you have completed your second year of high school or college you are:

~What the word verification fairy does when you mis-type the characters:

~If your town has many felines, you live in a:

~What a baby says when he tastes peas for the first time:

~Your favorite Aussie greets you with "Hey...:

~A hurricane contains:

~Mork said to Mindy, "Nannu, nannu...

~If something is really simple to do, it is:

I saw on a blog (wish I could remember who's it was) a couple of years ago the idea that one day we would be seeing this in word verification.  At least I understand this one!  LOL!

bifernao, Chris

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