Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Prayers Requested!

My Thanksgiving Day was very nice! My daughter & youngest sister did most of the cooking and let me supervise (I wasn't feeling too well). The food and company was wonderful!

As for the rest of the week...not so good!

I found out on Friday morning, that I will need a hysterectomy. So, I am facing a health challenge for a few weeks.

I would really appreciate all your prayers and good thoughts! I have lots of family, friend & church support, but more is better right?

When I feel like I have a better grip on what is happening, I'll write some more about this. Until then, I'll back to my random postings about things I find interesting. Just know that if I seem to go quiet once in a while, I may be doing the lab/doctor/hospital stuff that just wears me out!

Thanks so much! Chris

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