Monday, December 28, 2009

All Is Calm, All is Bright...

I had a wonderful Christmas!

From a fun day Christmas shopping with my daughter (we are professionals, you know) to a rousing post-Christmas lunch at Tahoe Joe's in Vacaville, with my family from Santa Clara/Cupertino, it was all I could have hoped for!

Add in the joy & blessing of our church Christmas service, Christmas Eve snacks with my sister & BIL and dear friends Don & Marthine, and then the same four peeps for Christmas Day dinner... Whew, I had a very busy but so delightful time!

Now, I plan to enjoy some quiet time. This peaceful morning dawned cold, and a little foggy, but with the promise of a few hours of sun before the rain returns. I am going to relax and enjoy doing just whatever I want today!

How 'bout you?

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