Sunday, June 26, 2011

cricket world cup 2011 final images

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  • swamy
    05-29 04:29 PM
    First of all, you dont have a binary choice in the matter such as either you learn 50,000 words and their spellings or go smoke dope. There is a middle ground here.

    Secondly, why do I see in company after company, especially in the knowledge industry that a straight A student, like your Kavya here, working for a manager who had been a B- student who in turn works for an executive who was a C- student ?

    Get educated ... that's fine. But dont get over-educated such that you are a cripple who cannot think outside the box. Too much education, too many straight As, too many spellings will make you incapable of thinking outside the box, taking risks. Anyways, that's my belief and my opinion and everyone is free to raise their kids in whatever way they deem fit. I for one, would never ask my 2 children to participate in any spelling bee contest.

    As far as your desi company thoughts go, it has nothing to do with spelling bee topic. However, let me tell you this. By being holier than thou and telling other people "I got a degree from here and you dumb asses have never been to an American college, so get lost you idiot, this job here is mine..." does not help anyone. Also, no desi companies put a gun to the head of anyone - Indian educated or US educated - to work for them. And let me remind you, there is AN ENTIRE GENERATION of US educated US masters degree holders who had no job after graduating and have been to a desi company to get trained on the real-world software applications. I am sure you know some people yourself, just as I know some people in that situation. If the US masters degree made them super-duper smart, then they would not be knocking doors of desi companies for education after graduating.

    I am no fan of desi companies, everyone here knows that. But don't preach a holier than thou sermon to everyone who doesn't have a US degree. Because your US degree isn't worth a bucket of warm spit when it comes to getting a job.

    i am not sure why you think kavya wont excel in her life - she already has a great headstart with close to 40grand in winnings! i also dont know why you think she will end up working for a non-ivy league educated manager - & even then why its a bad thing to win a spelling bee..too many gaps or leaps in thoughts/logic?!

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  • World Cup Final

  • GCBy3000
    07-19 03:32 PM
    Once you invoke your EAD ,your H1 goes void. H4 is dependent on H1 and it should also be void. Assuming it does not go void, then you will enter into another problem when the H4 expired. You will not have any avenue to renew her H4 without you being on H1. I would recommend you to stay on h1 if your wife is on H4.


    I have a similar situation, but different factors. My labor has been approved May 2007 and I can apply for my 140 and 485 together and I'll do it now well before Aug 16. I'm getting married and my wife would be here by September or October. She'll be on H4. I won't be applying for my EAD if she decides to be on H4. If the dates go back to say 2005, I will need to wait for my priority date of May 2007 to come CURRENT again and then only do her AOS (I'm assuming until then even my 485 won't be touched by USCIS). Once my date becomes current and my application starts processing, I'll add her immediately.

    Now the only thing I'd be missing in such a case would be applying for my EAD anytime soon. If she decides to apply for H1B next year or even go on
    F1, then I can apply my EAD and start using it. I'll be on my EAD and she'll be on H1/F1. When my priority date becomes current (in a few years assuming), then I can add her AOS.

    Please suggest what should I do now ??


    cricket world cup 2011 final images. cricket world cup final 2011
  • cricket world cup final 2011

  • gcnirvana
    10-12 03:25 PM
    I agree with nixstor. I have my own template but not my personal story. It mostly highlights IV and its mission; plight of skilled legal-immigrants and in turn US' and also seek for some help from the media.

    I recommend every one writing their own words rather than doing the copy/paste. If I were to recieve 10 emails with exactly the same content, it might make me feel like some ONE just sent 10 diff emails. IMHO, Its a good idea to write the gist of the story in your own words. Save it and use it for all the people in the media.

    2011 World Cup Final cricket world cup 2011 final images. cricket world cup 2011 final
  • cricket world cup 2011 final

  • vbkris77
    06-01 07:50 PM
    Senate judiciary hearing witness list has a familier name Roy Beck - our friend from right side. I don't think he intends talk about replacing the word spouse with Partner in INA. So something is going on there.. God I wish I know whats that????


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  • world cup cricket 2011 final

  • gk_2000
    04-19 01:14 PM
    CHANGE - That is all that is left in my pocket

    You are a lucky person! :(

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  • aadimanav
    07-14 04:20 PM
    I have just sent an email to Senator Dianne Feinstein.


    cricket world cup 2011 final images. cricket world cup 2011 final
  • cricket world cup 2011 final

  • VMH_GC
    07-09 01:56 PM
    I just spread the news about flower campaign to my 5 collegues. They are interested to send. I already sent mine which will reach on 10th July .

    2010 cricket world cup final 2011 cricket world cup 2011 final images. CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011 – FINAL

  • Michael chertoff
    04-21 01:47 PM

    i am lawful permanent resident. I want to bring my parents here permanently. I got nobody in India to take care of my parents.

    When i was small, my parents took care of me. When i need them, they are their for me.

    Now my parents need me. But i am not their for them. I feel very guilty and sad. I want to bring my parents in US. So i can take care of them.

    How can i bring my parents permanently.
    I know, i can bring them after i get citizenship, that is too long wait.

    i just want to bring them now. So they can have good life with me. Anybody know, how can i bring them in US soon.

    i saw some petition signed by many Indians for this request. Can somebody please go forward with this.
    Current president will understand our request and help us. He is very nice and kind person. He loves family and his mother in law lives with his family. He knows values of grand parents.

    Indians live with family, that makes Indian family stronger and less divorce. And Indian kids are well taken care by grand parents. So they are well behaved and best kids.

    We need this permission. Please work together and get this permission.

    I read this in a website. Is this possible? I want to explore all possible steps.

    Please help.
    God bless you.

    Green Card for Parents - Sponsoring Parents for Green Card

    Green Card Process for My Parents (Mother, Father)
    An immigrant (also called a "lawful permanent resident" and Green Card holder) is a foreign national who has been granted the privilege of living and working permanently in the United States. Your parents (mother, father) must go through a multi-step process to obtain a Green Card and become an immigrant. First, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) must approve an immigrant petition that you file for your parents. Second, the State Department must give your parents an immigrant visa number, even if they are already in the United States. Third, if your parents are already in the United States legally, they may apply to adjust to permanent resident status. If they are outside the United States, they will be notified to go to the local U.S. Consulate to complete the processing for an immigrant visa (Green Card).

    you really want to take care of your parents or you are just looking for baby sitters.



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  • img 27837 cricket world cup

  • foobar2001
    12-31 06:49 AM
    AmitKhare77... apparently, the job title and job responsibilities have to be same as whats on labor until we get GC. otherwise no promotion.

    Actually, I believe that if the promotion is a "natural progression of the job ladder", you can accept it. What you cannot do is change the job ladder completely to a different track.
    Thus, say you filed labor when a software engineer, its ok to be promoted to "Senior Software Engineer. What is not ok is to change tracks to say "Product Manager" or a position as "Sales lead" etc...

    Of course, i'm not a lawyer, but this is what i;ve been told by other folks and lawyers at my company.

    Good luck!

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  • world cup cricket 2011 final

  • superdoc
    09-20 02:37 PM
    If LOA can stop the old employer from revoking I-140, I would say, go for it. But just make sure you don't land into any other trouble (like non-competent etc. just an example, may not be relevant in your case, but you get the idea...).
    Also, discuss with the new employer and make sure they are ok with supporting you in case of an RFE. From your response, looks like they might know what it is. What I can think of is, consult an attorney and discuss what kinda RFEs you can get that needs employer help (mostly EVL, ability to pay), prepare a sample response letter for both and check with the new employer they are ok with providing them if necessary.

    DISCLAIMER: I am not an Attorney and this is not a legal advice
    the new company has no clue about visa/h1/gc issues. they have never hired a "brown" guy and they do not even know that i am on ead..even if i told them they wouldn't know wht to make of the only letters i can get will be generic letters stating my occupation and salary with a very brief description of duties. i know someone said loa is not a good idea but i think it just gives me a back up.

    thanks evryonr for responses..


    cricket world cup 2011 final images. Cricket World Cup 2011 Final
  • Cricket World Cup 2011 Final

  • spicy_guy
    10-15 03:41 PM
    Me too !! My ticket were for Nov 3 and i am waiting for the last 54 days ..just requested USICS to expediate the AP based on financial loss ...
    You need to hurry up, if not already. They don't care a dime if you loose your money / tickets / travel. But just need to show them a sense of urgency. Thats all we can do.

    hot world cup cricket 2011 final cricket world cup 2011 final images. CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011 – FINAL

  • alkg
    09-24 11:52 AM
    Horses are more lucky than experienced and educated skilled people.

    Atleast their(horses) bill got passed...............


    house Cricket world cup 2011 final cricket world cup 2011 final images. cricket world cup 2011
  • cricket world cup 2011

  • aperregatturv
    09-22 07:01 PM
    Another problem i see here....

    this ROY BECK is CEO & Founder of NumbersUSA is doing a backdoor calls directly to Harry Reid to kill this and other bills ....

    Check his Today's Blog

    Link (

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has two honorable choices:

    * No. 1: Go around Sen.Menendez who has a "hold" on H.R. 6633, the "clean" E-Verify re-authorization bill passed by the House. Sen. Reid can bring this back-room filibuster to the Senate floor for a vote. If he does this, there easily will be the 60 votes necessary to stop Menendez and allow an overwhelming majority vote to pass H.R. 6633. (Reid reportedly doesn't want to do this because he doesn't want to force some of his Democrats to have to go on record just before the election.)
    * No. 2: Avoid a vote altogether by talking to Menendez privately, persuading him that what he is doing is threatening the reputation of the Democratic Party just before elections and get him to withdraw his "hold" on H.R. 6633. (This way, Reid could then bring H.R. 6633 to the floor in the "hot-wire" fashion which will pass by voice vote.)

    Either way, the American worker and public wins. It is all about Reid doing one of those two things.

    This is why we want you to put particular pressure on Democratic Senators to put an end to Menendez' shameful grandstanding. Fortunately, Senate Republicans are standing firm against Menendez.

    The weakest and most vulnerable American workers -- and non-workers -- will benefit the most from your willingness to step forward and take action this week.


    After we told you that some Republican Senate staffers were working with Sen. Menendez (D-N.J.) for massive increases in foreign workers, you hammered Republican offices for not holding the line for a "clean" E-Verify bill.

    Your efforts really worked. By the end of this last week, Republican Senate staffs were going into negotiations with Democrats and making it clear they were united in oppositiion to a foreign-worker surge at this time of 5-year-high unemployment and financial industry collapse.

    Sen. Menendez apparently is not bothered by the 5-year-high official unemployment rate -- or even by the 292,000 additional American workers who went on unemployment in August alone. He is insisting that if we keep E-Verify, then we have to add another 550,000 foreign workers next year to the 1.1 million immigrants already scheduled to come.

    (AS A REMINDER: E-Verify is the central tool for taking away the job magnet from illegal immigration. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants to kill it so outlaw businesses will have more freedom to hire illegal workers. E-Verify is the on-line system that businesses can type into for each new hire and find out if they are an illegal alien.

    (If you live in Arizona, Oklahoma, Georgia -- or any other of the places that have started mandating that businesses use E-Verify -- your efforts to combat illegal immigration will be halted. )

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  • cricket world cup 2011 final

  • pappu
    01-22 11:07 AM
    This Tracker facility we have in IV is good. Kudos to the Admin team who implemented this thing.

    These are my observations. I could be grossly mistaken. Pardon me if I am wrong.

    There are approximately 26,000 people who have put in their priority dates and other such data in the tracker. When I compared similar cases, I got some 265 who were EB3 India with a priority date in 2002. That is approximately 1 %, give or take.

    Here I have ignored EB3 India 2001 guys. But that number would be very less I believe.

    1% of 400k is 4000 which is what USCIS issues GC for EB3 India in a year.

    Does that mean I could get my GC this year.

    Hope these numbers are right.

    We are going to clean up data further in the coming weeks. People who have missing fields may not be part of the tracker etc. The analysis will also be expanded to give more representation of the data from all angles. We are also working on some more features in the tracker that will make it really informative. At this time we are waiting for everyone to input their data or update their data and also get others who do not have a profile on IV to come here and input their data. Please help us in this task and bring everyone to IV tracker. Once we have more data that can help us represent a better % of the overall actual applications in USCIS data, the analysis will be much better. At a later stage we are thinking of bringing some statistics experts on board to create monthly analysis of the data and publish report for our members.


    pictures cricket world cup 2011 final cricket world cup 2011 final images. cricket world cup 2011 final
  • cricket world cup 2011 final

  • jazzy2
    05-18 12:35 PM
    hi sanju and others
    is this true?
    Because if the dates go back before the CP process is over, you will be stuck without work authorization card and I-131

    the reason i'm asking is this: when i applied my PD is current. how can 485/ead/ap not be processed, when i know that the date i applied it was current, though it retrogressed after i applied?

    Whatever you do, please do not go for CP. Because if the dates go back before the CP process is over, you will be stuck without work authorization card and I-131. Keep in mind that you will not be able to change job even after applying for CP. This is what I think. I am sure others on the forum will share with you more about the difference between CP and AOS.

    dresses CRICKET WORLD CUP 2011 – FINAL cricket world cup 2011 final images. cricket world cup 2011 final
  • cricket world cup 2011 final

  • priderock
    05-14 11:46 AM
    Big corporations do a very good job in accommodating minorities and racial diversity. We had number of special classes to understand Indian culture when we started outsourcing. Some companies have diversity councils and they meet regularly to discuss issues or topics of interest.

    I agree with some one's suggestion here that cosmopolitan cities are better than interior places where they don't see many people from other countries.

    Many of my colleagues like Indian food but I will be selective in what I eat at my desk. As much as I like it, I Don't bring spicy Biryani to work.


    makeup img 27837 cricket world cup cricket world cup 2011 final images. Cricket world cup 2011 final
  • Cricket world cup 2011 final

  • EBX-Man
    05-10 09:44 AM
    Ignorant people will use this thread to talk rot about buying MS and other waste logic thereby bumping this thread but not adding any value to it. I hope the OP ignores all this and does the right thing by contacting educational evaluators for advise

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  • cricket world cup 2011 final

  • paskal
    10-02 11:59 AM
    guess i have my dates wrong! i will be there this coming weekend...starting thursday...all the best for your gathering!

    hairstyles Cricket World Cup 2011 Final cricket world cup 2011 final images. world cup cricket 2011 final
  • world cup cricket 2011 final

  • insbaby
    03-10 03:42 PM
    Or watching cricket matches during exam time. :)


    Why would we have an exam after dropped out of school?

    06-29 07:02 PM
    Chalo ye idea bhi gaya.. aur koi hai bhai with new idea. This place gonna make a guiness record of busting maximum number of ideas.

    Some actively some passively by not participating. I rest my case here Finally :confused:

    06-25 04:21 PM
    They hushed up and approved my EAD in 20 days. Why ???? 'cos So they don't hit Jun'30 and give 2 years. They wanted to milk another 680 from me so they hushed up and sent me the 1 year EAD in 20 days.

    I guess we all have problems with USCIS, either with their inefficiency (eg. receipt delays during July Fiasco), or sometime with their super efficiency (EAD's getting approved too fast):D

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