Monday, June 27, 2011

hidan wallpaper

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  • ujayra01
    06-24 11:04 PM
    My wife is apply for AP renewal. She has her AParole until oct, 2,2008. She is travelling to india this week for three weeks. Can she apply for renewal and travel to india. Is it legal or does it have any replications.

    According to my lawyer, the person (in this case your wife) must be in USA until your wife's AP application is accepted. Basically your wife should not try to apply AP when the she is not physically in USA.

    After the application acceptance, your wife can travel.

    Disclaimer: Please do not take this granted and always consult your immigration attorney.

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  • GC08
    06-15 08:22 PM
    I don't know how many years i have to wait to get out of namecheck. Golden years going by ...

    We are being squeezed all along the way... Did you notice I140 retrogression? Think about those who got stuck at labor, then 140, then I485, then name check...

    Did you hear that they were trying to eliminate AC21? So what's the benefit of filing I485 considering all the backlogs? Without AC21, you still have to start all over again should you lose your job.

    Pure stupidity on those bueracrats!

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  • smisachu
    09-22 10:20 PM
    Why don't we mail copies of our degree certificates, diplomas and other credentials? They will know who is more educated..Lou Dobbs or us !!!

    The broken system is causing a reverse brain rain, right? Well How about we:

    1- Each one of us buys 10 bath tub stoppers (you know, the stoppers you use when taking a bath, to stop the water from going down the drain) and mail them to Congress, Media, USCIS, etc- With a letter "Please stop the self-inflicted U.S. Reverse Brain Drain, already 100,000 highly-skilled have left, stop the 10-year green card delays for LEGAL highly-skilled immigrants that is pushing them out of the country in frustration and lured by the boming economies of their home countries. Retain these highly-skilld immigrats that the U.S. needs while American universities train more Americans in the sciences, math and technology that the country does NOT currently have and desperately needs to retain U.S. global leadership and competitiveness"...or something like that

    2-At the same time, we ALL send WHITE roses to Congress (Roses are now IV's trademark, we are known for them and the peace they mean, and roses should probably be on IV's logo too) Attach same note

    THAT will send a strong message!!! (trust me)

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  • yabadaba
    07-10 09:15 AM
    dhl tacking number from ftd

    Tracking history Help

    Date and Time Status Location
    7/10/2007 8:29 am With delivery courier. Washington - Ronald Reagan National, DC
    7:28 am Arrived at DHL facility. Washington - Ronald Reagan National, DC
    1:03 am In transit. Wilmington - Clinton Field, OH
    12:32 am Processed at DHL Location. Wilmington - Clinton Field, OH
    7/9/2007 6:29 pm Departing origin. Miami - Tamiami, FL
    4:01 pm Shipment picked up Miami - Tamiami, FL


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  • kumarc123
    05-14 08:29 AM
    Please continue to fill out the form for the advocacy days and make a difference by taking a positive step by meeting with the legislators.

    For members who can only provide support, please mention the kind of support you are willing to commit to on this thread too.

    I will be there! To contribute my efforts for the big cause.

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  • GCKaMaara
    05-29 04:15 PM
    I think we (IV) should rethink about this and support it.


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  • kufloyd
    05-21 12:55 PM
    NSC 485 --> July 14, 2007
    TSC 485 --> June 21, 2007

    I don't see it either. If this is to be trusted, how come 485 dates moved only by 3 days for NSC? It was July 11th 2007 for the month of April

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  • franklin
    06-15 09:06 PM
    [FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"]From numerous visits to USCIS facilities, the Ombudsman has observed that adjudicators prefer to work on the cases that are easiest to complete. Adjudicators pick the �low hanging fruit� first because supervisors base performance evaluations on the number of cases completed. Consequently, adjudicators put aside the most difficult and time-intensive cases. These cases remain pending, perhaps for years, while backlog reduction appears generally to be succeeding.

    Is there any information on what an "easy" case is?


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  • suriajay12
    01-14 12:39 PM
    `Sec. 245B. (a) In General- The Secretary of Homeland Security may adjust the status of an alien to that of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence if the alien--

    `(1) was physically present in the United States for a continuous period of not less than 5 years immediately preceding the date on which this provision was enacted and has maintained continuous physical presence since then.

    This if i am reading and understanding right may not be too bad. Let me kow if i am missing anything......

    Looks good, but is it talking about legal residents. If legal residents, then good chance to pass, else if its some type of amnesty, then it may not see light.

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  • pappu
    07-06 02:52 PM
    Lawsuit update:


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  • glimmerOfHope
    08-11 04:34 AM
    the actual March '09 bulletin is 4428.

    Visa Bulletin March 2009 (

    they also link to official site (which doesn't exist yet) :

    Not only they got info but non-existent links too?

    Pederson Immigration Law Group, P.C. - Visa Bulletin (


    Per google 4427 is march 09 bulletin ? search (

    But again this date is in sync with the date someone reported from some other site, so guess that's it. :-(

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  • GotGC??
    04-26 04:11 PM
    Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is "K Street" and what is its relevance?

    Thanks to all members of IV who have made it possible for our voice to be heard! Keep up the good work!:)


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  • royus77
    06-18 11:36 AM
    Looks like USICS wants extra money for EAD and APO also ..They may come out with a Premium Processing route

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  • BPforGC
    05-26 02:47 PM
    This is the latest on the Visa capture bill.

    This thread is to track the progress of S.1085 legislation.

    This recapture bill was introduced in the US senate and it has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. It has ten members with 6 democrats who usually favor immigrants , including the chairman Sen. Charles Schumer, one of the sponsors of the bill. It will clear the committee, no doubt, but how fast?

    IV should focus on this legislation getting passed. It has provisions for the unused visas in any category for the oversubscribed quota. This will definitely help reduce the backlog.

    Lets focus on getting this bill passed. It is for the people who play by the rules and obey the laws of the country. Who pay taxes and contribute to the economy. Lets try to get this bill passed and capture all the VISAs lost due to the inefficiency of DoL and USCIS.


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  • krishna.ahd
    09-09 09:04 AM
    All arguments are very sensible. No doubt about it. am working on an EAD and they did not incur any legal cost. However, I get frustrated thinking why they charge $180 per hour to the client.... even when the cost to company for me is about $110K per annum or around $60 per hour. I do not know whether I am worth $180 per hour or not....but probably more than $60/hr since they can charge $180 / hr

    We really need to analyze this deeply if we want to come up with a strategy....

    Thanks for the 3 red dots which I recieved....
    I guess still do not get the point .
    It is not how much they charge for you and how much they pay to you. They ( your compnay) are here for business not for charity.
    It is simple economics. Demand and supply.
    If you quit they will find zillions of people of same qualification waiting to take the same for $60
    Ideally , if you want to find out how much you should get/worth , put yourself in the market and do interview and try to negotiate and see what the range you are being offered . You may not take the offer but at least you will know where you stand.
    Be aware full time ( with all benefits) and W2 / C2C/ consulting rate are very diffrerent and another dimension is region for different rate.
    Hope this helps.
    Wish you Good Luck.

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  • ivslave
    09-11 10:05 PM
    you guys/girls are so prime and prude..... I got so many RED dots for posting simple poll.... What's wrong in my poll?


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  • bkarnik
    04-26 09:06 AM
    Let's do it..

    As you forward the article to your friends, do not forget to include the www address of this site and be sure to request a contribution.

    Good JOB IV team...:cool:

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  • Macaca
    08-12 11:28 AM
    There were 1M+ EB GC applications as of March 2007 (when Ombudsman's report was written). There will be 1M additional applications by Aug 17 2007.

    Lets assume a very conservative #: 1.4M by Aug 17. Then, 1.4M/140K = 10 years minimum.

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  • mrajatish
    05-12 09:38 AM
    You just hit the nail hard on its head -

    1. yes, our employers pay big bucks to keep us employed and guess what, that will pay for the USCIS work force to legalize the undocumented workers. Isn't it good to have 300,000 people paying 2000 dollars each every year to extend H1 - such a nice revenue stream, and a great business idea. Guess how many Ameican jobs it creates?

    2. Oh btw, you keep paying SSN and Medicare like other educated workers and then if you are unlucky which a sizeable percentage is, you do not get a dime back. I hear a lot of SS going bankrupt etc., but hey, even in the worst case scenario, they talk about reducing SS, not abandoning it. So, you subsidize the older Americans but no one susidizes you when you are old.

    I think some politicians actually like our problem, we will always do things legally and it is easy to screw us as we are documented - they know who we are. Some employers (not all) like it because it i a great way to tether someone for eternity in a particular job. It is a win-win situation for these politicians and employers.

    But then there are other politicians who think of the long terms effects of taking advantage of legal immigrants, and they try to help our cause. And other employers who get scared that the best ad brightest will realize they have better opportunities else where and leave.

    Let us see which camp wins.

    07-19 01:28 PM
    EB2 July 2 9.00AM

    10-11 10:58 AM
    There will not be any advance in dates for both Eb2/EB3 (I)..this is my guess.

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